upanoak tree care services planting

Specialized Tree Planting

At Upanoak Tree Care Inc., we believe strongly in the importance and benefits of green urban environments. As often as we remove trees, we strive harder to replace them.  We provide various tree planting services, specializing in large tree placements. We also share the prices of our suppliers, so you know exactly how much our trees actually cost.

Whether it's your home or business, there are several compelling benefits to planting and expanding greenery on your property.

Health Benefits

According to the American Psychological Association, a well gardened property is proven to ‘restore mental clarity’ and ‘heal the body’.  In a series of studies examining the impacts of green space on the mental and physical health of people, a team of psychologists concluded that indeed: green is good for you.

For example, when participants were asked to complete a mentally fatiguing task, those who took a walk in a local nature preserve performed significantly better when taking the test again versus those who were asked to walk through an urban area and those who were asked to sit quietly reading a magazine. Green space revitalises your mind.

Expanding green space around your home will also benefit your children. As the APA concludes, those "children who live in greener environments have greater capacity for paying attention and they're better able to delay gratification and inhibit impulses." 

Let's reduce your stress, restore your mental clarity, and help you live a healthier lifestyle.

Increased Property Value

Property value is always a consideration as a home, land or business owner.  A cost-effective way to increase your property value is to expanding your green space. Several studies* have indicated a positive relationship between urban green space and higher property values.  As the Smart Growth British Columbia project concluded, "homebuyers are willing to pay a premium for properties near natural open space, and residents will pay to permanently protect a natural open space in their neighbourhood". 

Let Upanoak Tree Care Inc. develop a comprehensive plan to increase your property value through the effective use of green space.

* The Economic Value of Open Space 
* Journal of Urban Planning
Effects of Community Green Space on Property Value and Community Completenes

Environmental Stewardship

Let us not forget the environmental importance of greenery in our neighbourhoods and businesses. Green space provides a natural habitat for our furry friends, birds and other environmentally crucial insects, such as the ever endangered bee species.  It also acts as a natural heat sink, absorbing the suns rays, cooling the space around them during those hot summer days. Trees, brush, and other greenery also hold in water during heavy rainfalls, and decreasing the likelihood of flooding. Of course, trees also help us reduce CO2 emissions by naturally pumping oxygen into our air.  To read more on the environmental importances to maintaining an urban green space, visit the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

Work together with Upanoak Tree Care Inc. to leave behind a healthy, green and sustainable world for our children. 

Click here to read more on the Economic Value of Trees. The benefits of urban greenery are endless. Upanoak Tree Care Inc. can begin your next green project in a matter of days.  Call us today. 

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